About TokenGo
TokenGo is a blockchain based business tokenisasi platform that offers a fair prize for its participants who form a local community of real investors and potential investors and investment experts cryptocurrency.
Posts, articles, news, reviews or descriptions published by the Author on the TokenGo Platform. A post may or may not contain links to some media content from third-party resources: video, audio, photos, etc.
Comments of a participant about posts or comments published on posts on the TokenGo platform expressed in writing.
Author - TokenGo platform participants who publish posts and comments. Each platform participant can try his hand as an Author.
Curators - TokenGo platform participants who choose "for" or "against" content from any post or comment.
Receivers and Active Writers - Writers and Receivers who have a positive TokenGo Voting Power score and who have had some Activity during the past settlement period.
Activities - post publications, comments and votes under posts and comments published for all time.
TokenGo Voting Power - an indicator of GoPower and GoCoins numbers owned by partici-pant.
Voting - the process of casting a person's voice "to" or "against" the post and / or comments put forward for public discussion.
Voting Power is directly dependent on GoPower and GoCoin held by the participants. The higher the Power value, the more TokenGo Voting Power that this participant possesses.
GoPower power 10 times higher than GoCoin
Settling Period - 24 hours after the end of the previous completion period.
Taking TokenGo - the process of earning money and earning awards by Authors and Curators active for their contributions and participation in platform operations by certain algorithms and for certain settlement periods.
Karma - a parameter that indicates the number of successful Authors' entries by considering "likes" (votes "for") and "dislike" ("against" votes) for posts and published ads.
Procedure to calculate the total amount of prizes distributed among participants Harvest for the completion period:
For 24 hours, 100% GoCoin is generated through the printing procedure.
5% of them are distributed among deputies / miners as rewards, based on the DPoP algorithm.
If we take the remaining 95% as 100%, 90% of them are distributed among GoPower holders as a reward.
Thus, 10% is left for Harvesting and Activity.
Distribution of Remuneration Among Harvest Participants for Post / Special Comments
50% distributed to Post author.
25% distributed to the author of a comment on a particular post. They are distributed depending on the number of votes won by each comment, that is, the more votes a certain comma has, the greater part of the amount allocated as a reward for this comment is obtained by the Author.
25% is distributed for voice on post depending on voting time and voter voting current voters. In other words, those who have cast their votes and have a higher Strength score receive a greater amount than those with a lower Power. Receivers whose Power value for the zero completion period do not take part in the division of remuneration. The amount also depends on the timing of the ballot and its sequence. For example, the first selector to vote 30 minutes after publication gets more than those who vote at once or not among the first
Penambahan Distribusi
Jumlah yang dapat dilihat oleh peserta untuk posting atau komentar tertentu secara langsung bergantung pada "Kekuatan" dari orang yang telah memilihnya. Dengan demikian, semakin banyak suara dari orang-orang yang memiliki kekuatan yang lebih tinggi dari sebuah pos / komentar telah menang, bagian yang lebih besar dari jumlah total yang didistribusikan adalah karena Penulis. Jika seorang Penulis telah memenangkan 20 suara dari pendatang baru yang tidak memiliki nilai "Kekuatan" positif sama sekali, tidak ada imbalan yang diperoleh. Di sisi lain, mungkin hanya ada satu pemilih - “paus” dengan nilai “Kekuatan” yang sangat tinggi Kemudian, bobot suara akan sangat besar dan akan menjadi pembayaran bagi Pencipta.
Voting untuk posting yang baru saja diterbitkan tidak menguntungkan karena hanya 0,01% dari gaji Kurator akan ditambahkan sebagai hadiah. Voting dalam 15 menit atau lebih memberikan hingga 50% dari hadiah Kurator, sementara sisanya dikreditkan kepada Penulis. Ketika pemungutan suara dimulai dalam 30 menit atau lebih, remunerasi diterima secara penuh. Aturan ini tidak berlaku untuk coments.
Suara "untuk" dan "melawan" memiliki kekuatan yang sama, tidak ada perbedaan antara "suka" dan "dis-suka" saat memilih, dan Kurator menerima jumlah yang sama.
"Dislikes" mempengaruhi pembayaran kepada Penulis posting: semakin tinggi "Power" dari partici-pants suara "melawan" artikel, semakin sedikit Penulis akan dapatkan. Jumlah yang dikurangi dari Penulis pos kemudian didistribusikan di antara Penulis posting yang memiliki peringkat lebih tinggi.
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